Quant QuizQuizzesSimplification Quiz 1By Chandrahas Tripathti - October 5, 2021ShareFacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegramEmail Simplification quizSimplification Quiz with 11 Questions and you have to solve it in 5 Mins.0% 0 votes, 0 avg 271 Created on October 05, 2021Simplification Quiz 1 1 / 1136% of 1250 + 26% of 960 = ? + 22 x 11 437.6 427.6 457.6 447.6 2 / 11642 + 322 + 113 = 6431 6145 6451 6651 3 / 11(6889)1/2 x 12 + 122 + 42 = ?2 35 38 36 34 4 / 11[175761/3 x 34 - 18491/2] 1/2 = ? 29 27 28 31 5 / 1145% of 640 + 24% of 780 - 23 x 14 = ? 173.2 154.2 169.2 153.2 6 / 11325 x 14 + 44 x 56 = ? x 14 411 501 321 401 7 / 11[116641/2 + 133 ] = ?2 48.2 Approx 48.3 Approx 48 Approx 48.6 Approx 8 / 11(1656 ÷ 24 x 14) ÷ 23 = ?1/2 1664 6.4 42 1764 9 / 1185 x 125 ÷ 20 - 15 x 0.15 = ?2 26 21 23 27 10 / 1154% of 720 + 45% of 600 = ? 688.8 648.8 667.8 658.8 11 / 116536 + 4588 + 656 = ? + 246 11534 11454 11354 11334 Your score isThe average score is 23% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Download Study Smart AppClick here for more Quizzes Subscribe Our YouTube Channel