Hello Aspirants, As you all know that if you are preparing for exams like, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IB, RRB( Railways) or some other state government competitive exam, what is the importance of General knowledge/ General Studies section. So keeping that in mind we are providing you this quiz so that you can assess your preparation.

1.Whose teachings inspired the french Revolutions?
1) Locke
2) Rousseau
3) Hegel
4) Plato

2. A money bill passed by lok sabha is deemed to have been passed by Rajya Sabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House within:
1) 10 days
2) 14 days
3) 20 days
4) 30 days

3. Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles ?
1) Cadmium
2) Chromium
3)  Lead
4) Copper

4. which one of the fallowing is a female sex hormone?
1) Estrogen
2) Androgen
3) Oxytocin
4) Insulin

5. What is the chemical name of baking soda?
1) Sodium carbonate
2) Sodium bicarbonate
3) Sodium nitrite
4) Sodium nitrate

6. Two waves each of amplitude 1.5 mm and frequency 10 Hz, are travelling in opposite direction with a speed of 20 mm/s. The distance in mm between adjacent nodes is?
1) 1.0
2) 1.2
3) 1.5
4) 2.0

7.  The snow of the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because ?
1) It becomes very hard
2)It reflects most of the heat from the sun
3)It has low specific heat capacity
4)It has a high latent heat of fusion

8.An atomic pile is used for
1) producing X-rays
2) conducting nuclear fission
3) accelerating atoms
4) coducting thermonuclear fusion

9.Clove, the commonly-used spice, is obtained from the
1) Root
2) Stem
3) Flower bud
4) Fruit

10. Labourers who do hard manual labour develop thick skin on their palms and soles due to
1) thick epidermis
2) thick dermis
3) thick subcutaneous tissue
4) All of these

11. Maximum photosynthetic activity occurs in:
1) blue and red region of light
2) green and yellow region of light
3) blue and orange region of light
4) violet and orange region of light

12. In order to prevent the expansion of deserts, trees are planted in strips or blocks with the shortest trees on the desert side and tallest on the other side. Such plantation is called?
1) Shelter belts
2) agroforests
3)wind breaks
4) social forests

13. A book that brought awareness of environmental all over the world was Silent Spring. It was written by:
1) Julien Huxley
2) Jane Goodall
3) John Seymour
4) Frank Graham Jr.

14. AIDS virus has:
1) single – stranded RNA
2) double –  stranded RNA
3) single- stranded DNA
4)  double stranded DNA

15. A breath test used by traffic police to check drunken driving uses:
1) potassium dichromate- sulphuric acid
2) potassium permanganate – sulphuric acid
3) Turmeric on filter paper
4) silica gel coated with silver nitrate

16. one time associate of Mahatma Gandhi, broke off from him and launched a radical movement called self respect movement who was he ?
1) P. Thyagaraja Shetti
2) Chhatrapati Maharaj
3) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker
4) Jyotirao GovindraoPhule

17.The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the governance of India was made through ?
1) Indian Council Act, 1861
2) Indian Council Act, 1892
3) Indian Council Act, 1909
4) Government of India Act, 1919

18. what did Jyotiba Phule’s Satyasodhak Samaj attempt in the last country?
1) Saving the lower castes from hypocritical Brahmans and their opportunistic scriptures
2) Attacking the caste system
3) Led an anti- landlord and antimahajan upsurge in Satara
4) Separate representation for untouchables which of the following movements did mahatma gandhi make the first use of Hunger strike as a weapon ?
1) Non cooperation movement, 1920-22
2) Rowlatt Satyagraha
3) Ahmedabad Strike1918
4) Bardoli Satyagraha

20. Anglo nubian is a breed of?
1) Sheep
3) Poultry
4) cattle

21. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?
1) Alkaline
2) Acidic
3) Water-logged
4) Soil with excessive clay content

22. world’s first integrated solar combined cycle power project proposed ?
1) Cuttack
2) Jaipur
3) Patna
4) Jodhpur

23. where is lake superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, located?
1) USA
3) Canada
4) Russia

24. Who was the man of the series’ at the four – nation ODI LG cup. 1999 tournament held at Nairobi?
1) Saurav Ganguli
2) Lance Klusener
3) Lance Gibbs
4) Vijay Bharadwaj

25. A winner of three gold and one silver medals at the 1998 Olympic, was a living legend until September 1998 when she died at the young age of 38.who is this athlete?
1) Dotorez Florence Griffith
2)  Florence Griffith Joyner
3) Jackie Joyner kersee
4) None of the above
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  1. 2) Rousseau
  2. 2) 14 days
  3. 3) Lead
  4. 1) Estrogen
  5. 2) Sodium bicarbonate
  6. 4) 2.0
  7. 2) It reflects most of the heat from the sun
  8. 3) Accelerating atoms
  9. 3) Flower bud
  10. 3) Thick subcutaneous tissue
  11. 1) Blue and red region of light
  12. 3) Wind breaks
  13. 1) Julien Huxley
  14. 4) Double stranded DNA
  15. 3) Turmeric on filter paper
  16. 3)E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker
  17. 3) Indian Council Act, 1909
  18. 1) Saving the lower castes from hypocritical Brahmans and their opportunistic scriptures
  19. 3) Ahmedabad Strike1918
  20. 2) Goat
  21. 2) Acidic
  22. 4) Jodhpu
  23. 1) USA
  24. 2) Lance Klusener
  25. 2) Florence Griffith Joyner



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