Month Based Puzzle

Month based Puzzle Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO & Clerk 2019

Month based Puzzle  In this post we are providing a Month based puzzle having three  parameter for upcoming IBPS PO and Clerk exams. Month based...
reasoning puzzle

Reasoning Puzzle Circular Seating Arrangement for IBPS PO

Reasoning Puzzle In this post we are providing a Reasoning Puzzle based on Circular Seating Arrangement having two parameter. Puzzle of this level will come...

Data Interpretation Income Expenditure IBPS PO CLERK 2019

Hello Aspirants, In this Data interpretation quiz we are providing a data interpretation on Income Expenditure . As you know Data interpretation section plays...
Current Affairs quiz part 12

Current Affairs quiz January month Part 12

Reading current affairs is easy but remembering the details is tough. But now you can check your knowledge just by attempting this current affairs...
current affairs quiz part 11

Current Affairs quiz January month Part 11

Reading current affairs is easy but remembering the details is tough. But now you can check your knowledge just by attempting this current affairs...
reasoning questions puzzle

Reasoning Questions based on Seating Arrangement & Person Arrangement

Questions on Reasoning ability are one of the most demanded topics among banking aspirants. But mere questions are not sufficient, you need a set...
current affairs quiz january part 5

Current Affairs quiz January Month Part 5

Reading current affairs is easy but remembering the details is tough. But now you can check your knowledge just by attempting this current affairs...
current affairs quiz

Current Affairs quiz January Month Part 2

Reading current affairs is easy but remembering the details is tough. But now you can check your knowledge just by attempting this current affairs...
current affairs quiz January Part 1

Current Affairs Quiz January Month Part 1

Reading current affairs is easy but remembering the details is tough. But now you can check your knowledge just by attempting this current affairs...
Ultima Thule

न्यू हराइज़न्स द्वारा खींची गयी सौर मंडल के बाहरी हिस्से में मौजूदअल्टिमा ठूली की...

अमरीकी स्पेस एजेंसी के अभियान 'न्यू हराइज़न्स' ने सौरमंडल के बाहरी हिस्से में स्थित अल्टिमा ठूली (Ultima Thule) नामक पिंड के क़रीब से गुज़रने के...