Data Interpretation on Table Graph For SBI PO | BANK EXAMS SET 1

Section A

Directions:  Study the following table carefully and answer the given questions.

Total production is in lakhs and I1 and I2 are the two different models of the items.

  1. What is the total number of items sold by all six companies in 2009?

(1) 107.48 lakh

(2) 109.76 lakh

(3) 113.32 lakh

(4) 115.8 lakh

(5) 160 lakh

  1. What is the total number of I1 items sold by Company D in year 2009 and 2010 together?

(1) 28.8 lakh

(2) 30.6 lakh

(3) 31 lakh

(4) 32.4 lakh

(5) 36 lakh

  1. The percentage items sold by Company B in the year 2010 is what per cent of the percentage of items sold by Company E in 2010?

(1) 48%

(2) 96%

(3) 120%

(4) 140%

(5) 71.42%

  1. What is the total number of I2 items which remained unsold in Company D in 2009 and 2010 together?

(1) 12.2 lakh

(2) 21 lakh

(3) 33.2 lakh

(4) 36.4 lakh

(5) None of these

  1. I1 items sold by Company A in the year 2010 is what percentage of I1 items sold by Company E in the year 2009? (Approximate value)

(1) 336%

(2) 240%

(3) 180%

(4) 112.5%

(5) 29.76%

Section B

Following table shows the marks scored by six students in different subjects:

1.What overall percentage did student B get in all subjects together?

(1) 62.5%

(2) 64%

(3) 66.5%

(4) 67.5%

(5) 72%

  1. What is the ratio of the total marks obtained by A to that obtained by F?

(1) 4:5

(2) 5:6

(3) 5:7

(4) 3:5

(5) None of these

  1. What is the average of marks obtained by all the students in Hindi?

(1) 73.5

(2) 74.5

(3) 75

(4) 76.5

(5) 77.5

  1. What is the average percentage of marks obtained by all the students in Maths? (Answer in

approximate value)

(1) 62%

(2) 65%

(3) 68%

(4) 70%

(5) 72%

  1. The total marks obtained by E is what percentage more than the total marks obtained by A? (Answer in approximate value)

(1) 9%

(2) 11%

(3) 13%

(4) 15%

(5) 17%

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