Section A
Directions: Study the following table carefully and answer the given questions.

Total production is in lakhs and I1 and I2 are the two different models of the items.
- What is the total number of items sold by all six companies in 2009?
(1) 107.48 lakh
(2) 109.76 lakh
(3) 113.32 lakh
(4) 115.8 lakh
(5) 160 lakh
- What is the total number of I1 items sold by Company D in year 2009 and 2010 together?
(1) 28.8 lakh
(2) 30.6 lakh
(3) 31 lakh
(4) 32.4 lakh
(5) 36 lakh
- The percentage items sold by Company B in the year 2010 is what per cent of the percentage of items sold by Company E in 2010?
(1) 48%
(2) 96%
(3) 120%
(4) 140%
(5) 71.42%
- What is the total number of I2 items which remained unsold in Company D in 2009 and 2010 together?
(1) 12.2 lakh
(2) 21 lakh
(3) 33.2 lakh
(4) 36.4 lakh
(5) None of these
- I1 items sold by Company A in the year 2010 is what percentage of I1 items sold by Company E in the year 2009? (Approximate value)
(1) 336%
(2) 240%
(3) 180%
(4) 112.5%
(5) 29.76%
Section B
Following table shows the marks scored by six students in different subjects:
1.What overall percentage did student B get in all subjects together?
(1) 62.5%
(2) 64%
(3) 66.5%
(4) 67.5%
(5) 72%
- What is the ratio of the total marks obtained by A to that obtained by F?
(1) 4:5
(2) 5:6
(3) 5:7
(4) 3:5
(5) None of these
- What is the average of marks obtained by all the students in Hindi?
(1) 73.5
(2) 74.5
(3) 75
(4) 76.5
(5) 77.5
- What is the average percentage of marks obtained by all the students in Maths? (Answer in
approximate value)
(1) 62%
(2) 65%
(3) 68%
(4) 70%
(5) 72%
- The total marks obtained by E is what percentage more than the total marks obtained by A? (Answer in approximate value)
(1) 9%
(2) 11%
(3) 13%
(4) 15%
(5) 17%
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